Astrology (in Person)

To obtain Astrological Predictions (or Astrological Services) in person in Delhi by taking prior appointment, you'll have to follow the steps given below in sequence: -
How to take an appointment from Dr. Rajan Raaj to consult him in person in his Delhi NCR chamber?
Step-1 (Send an email now): Visit the following webpage now and email all data or inputs required for obtaining Astrological Consultation: - Inputs Required by Email.
Step-2 (Give a call on the day you want to meet): On the day you want to meet Dr.Rajan Raaj in his Delhi NCR chamber for horoscope reading, you'll have to call him at his mobile phone to fix a time of meeting that day. His mobile numbers will be emailed to you after receipt of your email. If you want to meet him today then he will surely give you time if he is free.
Step-3 (Send an SMS): After a time of meeting gets fixed you'll have to send a message at Dr.Rajan Raaj mobile phone in which you'll have to mention your name as well as the time of meeting that day.
Step-4 (Call again to remind): 1-2 hours before the time fixed for meeting, you'll have to give a call at Dr.Rajan Raaj mobile phone to remind him about your meeting with him by intimating your name and the time fixed for meeting. Reminding Dr.Rajan Raaj by calling him on his mobile phone about your meeting with him will be very important otherwise he will simply forget about that meeting and the meeting will get cancelled from Dr.Rajan Raaj side.
Astrology (on Phone)

Online Astrological Predictions by
Vedic Horoscope Reading on Phone
(Telephonic Astrology / Live Astrology)
With an Astrological Report by Speed Post or E-mail
Important Note: - Dr.Rajan Raaj (online astrologer) tries his best to provide online Astrological Predictions on phone by horoscope reading as soon as possible after remittance of the consultation fee by the client but... it may take some days to prepare and email detailed astrological report as many clients from India and other parts of the world call Dr.Rajan Raaj(online astrologer in India) daily for obtaining online Astrology Predictions on phone and it takes time (1.5-2.0 hours) to prepare an astrological report of a client. So after remitttance of the consultation fee please don't call repeatedly at Dr.Rajan Raaj's phone to enquire regarding the disptach of the astrological report. If you've remitted payment then astrological report will positively reach you after a few days. Thank you!
If you want to obtain astrological consultation over phone & a report via email then kindly read the following web pages carefully, email all inputs required, read about consultation fee & modes of payment & then inquire cell number: -
Consultation Fee per Horoscope per Visit per hour meeting time: - (inclusive of a written report)
Fees in Person
Language | Calling from inside Indian Subcontinent* | Calling from outside Indian Subcontinent* |
Consultation & Report in Hindi | 5100/- | US $100/- |
Consultation & Report in English | 5100/- | US $100/- |
Consultation in Hindi & Report in English | 5100/- | US $100/- |
Consultation in Vaastu (Residential ) | 11000/-25000 | - |
Consultation in Vaastu(Industrial) | 25000-151000 Varies from site to site | - |
Note (1) : - Consultation fee would simply get doubled in queries related to love life, married life, family life & childbirth as horoscopes of both will have to be analyzed.
Note (2) : - A written report comprising predictions & advices will also be given by Dr.Rajan Raaj in his handwriting with in this fee & he will give about one hour time on each horoscope (analyzing horoscope, describing horoscope, bi-directional communication with clients, telling & writing advices & predictions).
Note (3) : - Fee for obtaining Online Astrological Guidance on phone has been mentioned on Consultation Fees (Phone) page.